Folding phone holder
This is a total remodel from the original stand Did not like the original model as it is quit wobble when lay flatten so I designed a version that can…
This is a total remodel from the original stand Did not like the original model as it is quit wobble when lay flatten so I designed a version that can…
This stand works really well, but the swiveling support wouldn't print right on my machine without supports and so I changed it to use a 45 degree angle so it…
I remixed "8Bitdo SF30 (SN30) Pro Grip 2.0 by DavidSL448" to be able to print it without supports (except for the "arc") Also the rear "arc" can be printed sideways…
Face mask to protect against air born viruses like coronavirus. Mask is not a one-size-fits-all. You may need to print at different scales to see which one works best. Inspired…
Yet another face shield. Fast and light 3D printed Face shield. Changelog: rev0.6: adjusted autolock, more flexible 28/03/2020 added STEP files! Easy to mount A4 acrylic sheets. Tested with 0,10…
Hello, today I want to introduce you to "Fluffy the Unicorn", the stuffed animal of Agnes in the movie Despicable Me, as always easy to print and very clean print,…
Remix for multi-material printers. Original model by Alsamen: Details & Download More Liked Things by SmashD on Thingiverse
A bad ass devil straight from the gates of hell! He is printable without support. I have printed him in several sizes and the print turns out fine in 0.1…
A creature in a astronaut suit. The balls on the suit is removed in this version. other than that it's the same as in the pictures. 450k polys. Printable without…
ZombieHunter is back! 500k polys. Printable without support. Details & Download More Liked Things by SmashD on Thingiverse