Echo Dot 3rd Gen Desk Stand

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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
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  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

Desktop stand for the Amazon Echo Dot 3rd Generation I have fiddled together. This is already the second version, but there are still improvements to make. The back wall is a little weak and the base should be 3mm higher. Besides those two minor things it fits and works fine.
The two slots on the bottom are for „hot glue feet“, but you can attach some glue-on feet as well, of course.

EDIT: added v3.1 as 3mf with parts and stl (smoothed)
EDIT 2019-07-03: added v3.5 as 3mf with parts, stl (smoothed) stl (smoothed arch) // redesigned AGAIN 😀

Battery Dispenser AAA V3 STACK-ABLE (remix)

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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
  • Zoom with the scroll button.
  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

Scaled the v3 remix AA version down to fit AAA batteries.

I do have just one single brand on hand and they measured 45 x 10,6 mm. Inner dimensions of the box width is 46+ mm and the diameter is fine everywhere.

Printing it right now and will add a comment if it’s NOT fitting, but it should. 🙂

Please measure your batteries and adjust the scale accordingly.

Low Poly Single Flower Vase Wall-Mounted

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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
  • Zoom with the scroll button.
  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

Tilted it by 10°, hollowed and made it wall-mountable (either double sided tape, power strip or alike or with a screw or nail).

Filament Dust Remover Box

A fast to print filament dust remover box. Just stuff some microfiber cloth oder foam into the box, place around the filament, put another layer of cloth/foam above and close it. Can also be used while the filament is already mounted.

EDIT: added a v2 with half-circle arms for the lid, which greatly reduce the risk of breaking when removing the lid again. This thing is rather tiny, so are the walls, really depends on your filament if v1 works or not. 😉

Steelbook stand (open or closed) lighter version

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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
  • Zoom with the scroll button.
  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

just made them a little less deep, still function perfectly fine 😉

PSVR HDMI Support and Clip (replaceable)

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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
  • Zoom with the scroll button.
  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

Modified in Windows 10 3D Builder, made the 2 slots for the HDMI/Power Plugs wider as the provided ones were way to narrow.

Added cut-outs for less material use to the main body.
Made the clip more flexible and replaceable, because mine broke the first time in use.
Make sure you print them as provided (don’t rotate), so the print lines support the clip’s bend direction!

Playstation VR HDMI/Power Extension Belt Clip with Support

Modified in Windows 10 3D Builder, made the 2 slots for the HDMI/Power Plugs wider as the provided ones were way to narrow (about 1mm each side, so no snug fit, more a „no-fit“, may be due to my printer). The „socket box“ fitted nicely though.

Added some hex holes, no real purpose for them though 😀
Looks ok, prints ok, no support needed.

Sorry if something is weird or off – this is my first model/remix.

Anycubic Mega S / I3 Mega Caliper Holder

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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
  • Zoom with the scroll button.
  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

I removed the curved bit, nothing else, because having to print all the support for more removal was taking as long as not removing anything in the first place 😉

In case you need a caliper, I have chosen a Turata:
Amazon DE:
Amazon GB:
Amazon US:

*Affiliate links, if it’s ok for you. Prices stay the same, but I get a (very) small amount for telling you the link.

Anycubic I3 Mega / Mega-S Anti Vibration Feet (Click-In)

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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
  • Zoom with the scroll button.
  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

I have added some height and 3 little notches so the dampeners wont fall out.
I had those shock absorbers already, so I have chosen this design over the squash ball thing – and they are working very well.

In case you want to buy them, they are called „OEHLBACH Shock Absorber, elastisch schwarz (55038)“. They are not so common outside Germany, I guess, but here are some links.

Amazon Links*:
US: not found

*The used link is a so-called affiliate one. When you buy the product using this link, I will receive a small provision. The price itself does not change because of the affiliation. Thanks for your support 🙂