Hairy Lion

This is a Hairy Lion. As the name says it is lion with hair.
This is a remix from Geoffro’s design Lion HD (no supports required).

UPDATE #2: I made about 3 times bigger version. It has a lot of hair and they are also very long.
Watch Joel Telling’s (3D Printing Nerd) video about it:

UPDATE #1: I made 50% smaller version. It should only take about 1-2 hours to print. But you must be much more careful when cutting the hair. This model has much less hair, so if you break or pull out too much hair, there will be visible bald spots.

The hair is connected to sacrificial wall, which is removed afterwards.
(See picture: post_processing.jpg) You can also try hot water to form the hair. Anyway, be careful not to burn yourself.

There was a request to add a brim to sacrificial wall. So I made it: „Hairy_Lion_with_brim.STL“

This was printed with ABS, but it should also work with other materials. If you are having problems, adjust bridging settings in your slicer.

You can find dual extrusion version here:

Little Pumpkins

Nine different little low poly pumpkins ready to be printed for Halloween. Included are: Chompy, Slurpy, Crushy, Piercy, Slicey, Crunchy, Munchy, Smoochy and Squashy

They print quick without any support.

They can be stacked by snapping them together. LED lights can be put in them through the bottom.

Use single little pumpkins as decorations or stack them together then you can have them as a tower or hang them up.

Want to print them bigger and use a torch light with them? – Here is something for it:

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Digital Sundial

The episode in [ENGLISH]:
L’épisode en [FRANCAIS]:
Note: To see more inventions and contraptions (like this one ), suscribe to Mojoptix on Youtube !



For those who have trouble slicing the gnomon, I ran the files through netfabb and re-uploaded them as:
— Gnomon_Southern_NETFABBED.stl
— Gnomon_Northen_NETFABBED.stl
Let me know in the comments if they don’t still behave nicely with your slicer.

If you wish to print the gnomon in two halves :
— Gnomon_Northen_half_1_of_2.STL
— Gnomon_Northen_half_1_of_2.STL
They should fit on a 100×100 platform. (Thanks Zarlor for building these two files and fixing them ! )


Tadam !
A Sundial displaying the time inside its shadow, with actual digits ! There is a tiny bit of magic inside…

No batteries, no motor, no electronics… It’s all just a really super-fancy shadow show. The shape of the sundial has been mathematically designed to only let through the right sunrays at the right time/angle. This allows to display the actual time with sunlit digits inside the sundial’s shadow.

The sundial displays time (with actual digits !!) from 10:00 until 16:00, updating every 20 minutes.
You can precisely adjust the displayed time simply by rotating the gnomon (the magic box that displays time). So you can even adjust for Daylight Saving Time.

You’ll also need :
— an (empty !) jam jar
— 3x M6 screws, flat head, length = 20 mm
— 1x M6 screw, flat head, length = 50 mm
— 4x M6 nuts
— 4x M6 washer, outside diameter < 14mm

Tadam !
Un cadran solaire qui affiche l’heure dans son ombre avec des vrais chiffres ! C’est un peu magique.

Sans piles, sans moteur, sans électronique, etc… Il s’agit juste d’ombres chinoises très compliquées. La forme du cadran solaire a mathématiquement conçue pour laisser passer uniquement les bons rayons du soleil au bon moment/angle. Cela permet d’afficher l’heure en chiffres lumineux à l’intérieur de l’ombre du cadran solaire.

Le cadran solaire affiche l’heure (avec des vrais chiffres !!) de 10:00 a 16:00 toutes les 20 minutes.
On peut ajuster l’heure en tournant le gnomon (la boite magique qui affiche l’heure) sur lui même, par exemple pour passer de l’heure d’été à l’heure d’hivers.

Vous aurez aussi besoin de :
— un pot de confiture (vide !)
— 3x vis de taille M6, a tete plate, longueur = 20 mm
— 1x vis de taille M6, a tete plate, longueur = 50 mm
— 4x boulon de taille M6
— 4x rondelles de taille M6 diametre exterieur < 14mm


Model of Echo Dot 3 – SKETCHUP

Model of Amazon´s Echo Dot 3
For your own developments around the Echo Dot 3 I put here a template of the Dot as Sketchup file. You´ll find the skf-File in download section „Thing-Files“

Click in here too:

Modell von Amazon´s Echo Dot 3
Für Ihre eigenen Entwicklungen rund um den Echo Dot 3 stelle ich hier ein Modell des Dot als Sketchup-Datei zur Verfügung. Sie finden die SKF-Datei im Downloadbereich „Thing-Files“

Siehe auch:

PSVR HDMI Support and Clip (replaceable) solid

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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
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  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

Modified in Windows 10 3D Builder, made the 2 slots for the HDMI/Power Plugs wider as the provided ones in the original were way to narrow for me.

REMOVED cut-outs for cleaner prints and not bombarding the poor printer with retractions. 😉

Made the clip more flexible and replaceable, because the fixed one (one solid cable clip) broke the first time in use.
Make sure you print them as provided (don’t rotate), so the print lines support the clip’s bend direction, otherwise the bending could separate the layers!

Fanatec Wheel Stand with Quick Release Mount

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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
  • Zoom with the scroll button.
  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

I wanted a place where I could store my spare/currently unused Fanatec wheel but did not want to just lean it against or mount it onto a wall.

So I’ve tried to create a stand similar to some of those headphone stands you can find here as well.

I have used the Fanatec wall mount adapter by blazze11 (see remix section) and attached it onto a self-made stand which was done in Fusion 360. Not knowing how sturdy the end result would be in PLA I have made it relatively thick and used 20% infill.
The main stand’s pillar is tilted back so the wheel’s center of gravity is a little more towards the back as well and the whole thing isn’t too front-heavy and won’t easily be tipped over.

The end result seems fine overall but as always feel free to modify it – please post it as a remix though, I am curious about your ideas as well!

Printing with the Anycubic Mega-S I had to pretty much max out the maximum build volume, so I had no more space for brim or skirt – adjust your slicer settings accordingly or use the 3mf file to scale the stand itself a little if you have to. Don’t forget to move the quick release mount to an appropriate position if you modify the stand, though.
I have made the stand the way it is so scaling it only in eg. Z direction won’t be too noticeable.

STL: one object, print this if you do not have to make size adjustments
3MF: multiple objects, scale down the stand if you have to, move the quick release mount to the new position and save as single object/merged to print

Despite its size the print only took about 7 hours.

Oh, the hole at the back is for storing the allen wrench / hex key that is needed for the CSL Elite wheel. I should have made a second hole to store the screw as well, but I noticed it tends to slip out of the semi quick release mechanism after everything was done … 😉

Fanatec CSL Elite Base Rev LED Dimming Plate

It’s great to have such bright LEDs. However I mostly don’t do manual shifting, so they are drawing too much attention. So I’ve designed this Revolution LED Dimming Plate.

The amount of dimming is directly related to your choice of filament, just scale the STL in Z direction to accommodate for that.

I printed this using Redline Filament Glitzer PLA Eisengrau.
I have bought M6x10 screws in black, because standard philips screwheads in shiny silver just didn’t fit aesthetically.

Redline Glitzer Filament PLA 1,75mm Eisengrau:
M6x 10mm Button Head Innensechskant schwarz:
Zylinderschrauben M6x10 DIN 912 10 Stück schwarz:

Those URLs are affiliate links. When you buy the product using this link, I will receive a small provision. The price itself does not change. Thanks for your support 🙂

Xiaomi Wowstick 1P+ Case (84 bits)

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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
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  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

Remixed the case to make room for 84 bits in total (80 normal and 4 large ones). 😉

There is another slightly more compact remix for 50 bits here:

Holes are for 6 x 3 mm magnets (6 diameter, 3 high).
Pretty cheap 6 x 3 magnets from Amazon:

*The used link is a so-called affiliate one. When you buy the product using this link, I will receive a small provision. The price itself does not change. Thanks for your support 🙂

Borderlands Hyperion Loot Chest (Magnets)

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  • Rotate with the left mouse button.
  • Zoom with the scroll button.
  • Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
  • Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
  • On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
  • On mobile devices pinch two fingers together or apart to adjust zoom.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
  • On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.

I have modified the box to work with magnets, because I didn’t trust the printed rod, knowing how my printer performs with those from previous prints. 😉

Holes are for 6 x 3 mm magnets (6 diameter, 3 high).

Pretty cheap 6 x 3 magnets from Amazon:

*The used link is a so-called affiliate one. When you buy the product using this link, I will receive a small provision. The price itself does not change. Thanks for your support 🙂