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Liked on YouTube: RetroTech: Sennheiser Surrounder – 1999’s bizarre personal surround sound system

The Sennheiser Surrounder Pro is a Dolby Pro-logic surround sound system from 1999 which is worn around the neck, but would you wear one?
Things this looks like include a backward public toilet seat, a Braffin from a Gurning competition and a neck brace.
Things that might be difficult while wearing one include eating & drinking.

Apologies for any slightly out of focus sections in this video – this was only spotted in editing by which time it was too late.

The tune used at 06:10 is ‚Beat your Competition‘ from Vibe Tracks and can be found in the Youtube Audio Library. https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music

If you want to know more about the Apple iTunes phone – here’s Steve himself describing it https://youtu.be/W-wHXfHxRUA?t=17m24s



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———-Outro Music———–
Over Time – Vibe Tracks https://youtu.be/VSSswVZSgJw

——Final Sound Effect——
ThatSFXGuy – https://youtu.be/5M3-ZV5-QDM

via YouTube RetroTech: Sennheiser Surrounder – 1999’s bizarre personal surround sound system

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